The Missing Middle

What is the “Missing Middle” in Hilliard?

If Hilliard was your only example, you’d be forgiven for thinking there are two choices for your housing needs:

  1. Sprawling neighborhoods of single family homes with large yards.
  2. Gigantic multi-unit, multi-level apartment complexes

​It’s as though we’ve forgotten all the other options. We’re not alone. Suburban towns like Hilliard can be found all over the country. They were built as an escape from the busy world of downtown metropolitan cities.

Today, our lives are much different: Two incomes are common, downtown isn’t always the daytime destination for work, and many people telecommute and work from home.

Our housing options in Hilliard should accommodate different types of housing needs while still fostering a sense of community and belonging. Smart housing plans can create dynamic communities that meet the needs of every stage in life, from young adults to full-sized families and from empty nesters to senior at-home living.

Hilliard should work to include the missing options in housing, like brownstones, cottage courts, duplexes, and townhouses. Not only are these attractive options for homeowners, they foster local business ownership and investment because the entry level for investment is much lower when compared to large neighborhoods or apartment complexes. Because these housing options are more varied and appeal to a broader section of Americans, they give the city greater long-term resilience. And when they’re planned correctly, they build our community by encouraging long-term residency.